Thursday, January 20, 2011

Random Thoughts!

The House votes to repeal ObamaCare! 26 States have filed suit over ObamaCare yet the Senate and White House will ignore this. Change! I love my new $3,000 deductible! Last year I had a $25 copay! My new $3,000 HC deductible resets every Jan 1. So we paid the $3K by October of last year and it reset Jan 1! Now we are on the hook for it again! So far... it`s like NOT even having HC ins. yet we still pay the premiums!

We are going green! YEAH! Bush was evil. He was big oil. We went to war for Iraqs oil.. only China ended up getting all the oil contracts from Iraq. The average price for a gallon of gas on the day Obama was sworn into office? $1.85 a gallon! It`s $3.09 here in Forsyth County GA and climbing!

Our President's choice for Energy Secretary, Steven Chu, told the Wall Street Journal in a 2008 interview, "Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe." Today, gasoline prices in Europe range from $7.24 a gallon in France, to $7.98 a gallon in the Netherlands LOL. Good luck out there!

Let`s see. $7 a gallon times 22 gallons is $154 a TANK! Wow! I`m so glad the government unions and the auto unions and Cecil Roberts of the UMWA supported this kind of CHANGE! YEAH! I also can`t wait for the Obama`s EPA to Cap and Trade those evil power companies for burning coal and cause our power bills to be even bigger than our mortgages! Won`t that be just GREAT!

After all, Bush was evil. He was "big oil"... $154 a TANK! YEAH! That`ll show us. I really like my new price for a carton of smokes under our big new government. Pre Obama I paid $24 a carton. After Obama showed me... I now pay $44 a carton! I guess it`s just my duty to help other have health car! Maybe next year he`ll raise them up to $100 a carton!

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