Monday, January 24, 2011

The Debt Ceiling.

I read an idea today that I like very much. House and Senate Republicans should tie the ObamaCare repeal to the debt ceiling vote! If they want to raise the debt ceiling again, then we have to have something in return. Repealing ObamaCare and pass real reform that works on lowering the cost of our health care which is something ObamaCare failed to do. Me personally, I went from a $25 copay from last year to a $3,000 deductible under the ObamaCare changes. With insurance companies being forced to cover people who previously did not qualify because of pre existing conditions - the insurance companies have to make that lost money up somewhere. They`ll make it up on the rest of us. That`s what ObamaCare does to the rest of us. We`ll pay more for less...

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