Thursday, January 20, 2011

Affordable SOCIAL Housing, Health care...

You gotta love it! We have a President who thinks our Constitution is "flawed" because he thinks it does not do enough to redistribute the wealth. You have Pelosi, when asked about the Constitutionailty of ObamaCare, replied - "Are you serious, are you serious". Our Constitution is the law of the land. Every one of these politicians took an oath to uphold and to defend this most sacred of documents. This fundamental transformation of America, with no jobs and no growth to speak of, will be reversed. ObamaCare is simply yet another new massive entitlement to be funded by taking from one group by force, and giving it to another. And, it`s a jobs killer in an Affordable SOCIAL Housing recession. Not a good idea. Yes, I said that. The Affordable SOCIAL Housing mortgage foreclosure crisis caused the recession. Government caused this by opening up BILLIONS of dollars a year in new credit to people who previously did not qualify from 1995 to 2007 when it collapsed our banks leading up to the bailouts. Some Republicans even sounded the warnings of Affordable SOCIAL Housing as far back as 2003. Bush warned Congress 34 times in the years leading up to the collapse. McCain also sounded the warnings before the crash. What effect will Affordable SOCIAL HealthCare have on our economy in say 10 years if it`s not ripped out by it`s roots before then? Medicaid programs will be swamped and the Feds will turn away causing heartache to most States. Affordable Social Housing and Affordable Social Health Care - A One Two Punch on how to bring a SuperPower to it`s knees!

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