Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Wow. A week and a half before Christmas and I still have not bought the first gift. Thank God for my wife Cindy who always shops early for our kids. I usually wait until the 23rd or 24th to do my shopping. This year will be about the same. It`s a tough economy out here. My job which I have been employed for over 20 years seems to be slowing still. Could be a tough winter in the ready mixed concrete business. Hope for the best.

I have not had a raise in over 4 years but the costs of everything just keep going up. We are doing some things to make up for the difference. We traded cars and cut our car payment in half. We are working on a home refinance at a better rate and should save alot per month with it. Just taking care of what matters. We had a rental property we did a short sale on last spring and we had to cut a check for about $4,600.00 to make things right. Done.

My kids make me so proud. Adam works his tail off and has always had straight A`s and in this his Junior year, he has at least five different advanced placement classes. Colleges send him stuff everyday. They are actively trying to recruit him even as a junior in high school. Katie makes me proud too everyday. She`s such a great kid and a real JOY in my life. She has a lot of my traits. I can see some of me in her. She has a big ole sweet heart. She gets up for 5th grade with no issues at all. She also gets great grades. She loves her friends and her family although, she never gets to see them much. My sister Donna sent her a gift and she simply adores it. Thank YOU Donna! (it relates to Mom Trent)

My Cindy. What can I say about my wife/best friend. We joke about "it`s us against the world." And it`s true. We also joke about "Just Keep Swimming" (Nemo) when one of us is having a tough day. I love her with all my heart and I know I am blessed because of her. Life is good!

I am not perfect. I make mistakes. However, I do not apologize for being an individual or a free thinker. I make some people mad and I don`t mean too. I`ve been called a lot of mean and nasty names over the last few years by people who should be close to me. People can be so intolerant...

I miss the days of big family get togethers at my Moms house when I was growing up. Such Good Times. The house would be full of just happy people. Nobody seems very happy these days and nobody ever really wants to get together anymore. Life`s tough, I know.

I read something about a month ago - "Sometimes there comes a point in your life where you realize, who really matters, who never did, and who always will." Pretty sure I know about that and I like it. That`s great. Anyway...

Life is great. I have a great family. My wife and I both work hard and we are raising good kids. What else is there?

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