Friday, December 16, 2011


Why do we Americans continue to put up with this Government? Today`s news tells us that Government is about to vote on regulating the Internet in an effort to silence free speech. See link:

Earlier this week we learned that Government is about to pass a bill which will allow Government to arrest and detain indefinitely American citizens without charge or trial. Our public servants have forgotten their place in American society. You people ARE public servants. You are NOT our rulers. Regulating free speech on the Internet stinks. They want to silence the American citizens to freely pass along information. They want you to only get your information from the Liberal mainstream media. Biased news.

I saw tee shirts for sale online a few months ago that said: Our Forefathers Would Be Shooting By Now. I bought one. And it`s true. Everything that`s wrong with America today can be traced to Government. This recession for example. Affordable Social Housing where Government forced the banks to open up billions of dollars a year in new credit to millions of Americans who previously did not qualify. Government bankrupted the banks. Then they blamed Wall Street. And they blamed George Bush even though Bush warned Congress something like 34 times about the dangers of Affordable Social Housing and the effect it could have on the entire economy. Bush was ignored. Barney Frank was the voice of reason... Thanks Barney for killing the economy.

Gun sales are at an all time high. Ever wonder why? It`s the people arming themselves because our President is waging a Class War. Our leader is telling the masses, it`s OK to hate anybody who has more stuff than you. Disgusting. And they are listening. The media will not even touch all the stories out there about these flash mobs going into American businesses in large numbers and just walking out with what they want. Mass looting. The stories are out there. Google it. ABC-DNC won`t touch these stories. They know why it`s happening. So do I.

ABC-DNC never told the people about Obama`s Radical Marxist past. They didn`t want you to know about it. He was NOT vetted by the media. He was asked hard hitting questions like: "How are you holding up on this grueling campaign trail?" Did they vet Herman Cain? Yes, they did.

Our Government is the problem. Our LAPDOG media to the Marxists is also a problem. Mark Twain once wrote: "If you don`t read the newspaper, then you are uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, then you are misinformed..." Twain got it right.

The ObamaCare mandate is a disaster in waiting. After Government successfully takes over paying for all our health care, they will then turn around and regulate what you eat. What you can and cannot drink. What you do. Where you can and cannot go. It`s a disaster. So much for Liberty and Freedom.

The people MUST not allow Government to silence free speech on the Internet. Call, write or email your Congressman (RULER) today and tell them what you think about Government regulating the Internet.

"The U.S. Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government."

Mark Steyn gets it.

Where do you go to...? by Mark Steyn

Liberalism, as the political scientist Theodore Lowi put it, "is hostile to law," and has a preference for "policy without law." The Law itself doesn`t really matter so much as the process it sets in motion - or as Nancy Pelosi famously told the American people regarding health care, "We have to pass the bill so you can find out what`s in it." When Lowi was writing in the Seventies, he noted that both the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Consumer Product Safety Administration (CPSC) were set up by a Congress that didn`t identify a single policy goal for these agencies and "provided no standards whatsoever" for their conduct. So they made it up as they went along.

Where do you go to vote out the CPSC or OSHA?

Or any of the rest of the unaccountable acronyms drowning America in alphabet soup. For more and more Americans, law has been supplanted by "regulation" - a governing set of rules not legislated by representatives accountable to the people, but invented by an activist bureaucracy, much of which is well to the left of either political party. As the newspapers blandly reported in 2010, the bureausrats weren`t terribly bothered about whether Congress would pass a Cap and Trade mega bill into law because, if faint-hearted Dems lose their nerve, the EPA will just "raise" standards all by itself.

Where do you go to vote out the EPA?

Congress stripped provisions for end-of-life counseling (the so called death-panels) out of the ObamaCare bill, but Kathleen Sebelius, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, put`em back on her say so. And why shouldn`t she? As Philip Klein pointed out in the American Spectator, the new law contained 700 references to the Secretary "shall", another 200 to the Secretary "may", and 139 to the Secretary "determines." So the Secretary may and shall determine anything she pretty much wants. Plucked at random:

The Secretary shall develope oral healthcare components that shall include tooth-level surveillance.

"Tooth-level surveillance": from colonial subjects to dentured servants in a mere quarter-millennium.

Where do you go to vote out "the Secretary"?

And so "We the People" degenerates into "We the regulators, we the bureaucrats, we the permit-issuers, we the czars." Dancing with the czars is unrepublican. "Ignorantia juris non excusat" is one of the oldest concepts of civilized society: ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Where do you go to vote out the Czars?

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