Sunday, January 17, 2010

A little about me...

My name is Scott Trent. I live in Cumming GA. I am very passionate about Politics and my Country. If I offend you, well, thats too bad. You will not be the first. I speak my mind and I believe in Freedom of Speech. That`s MY right. I believe the direction our Country is going in is completely wrong. We are moving to a European Socialist State, reguardless of what Obama and his minions would have you to believe. The current Health Care Bill is horrible. It`s filled with corruption like Bribes to States for votes and concessions to Unions. What about the other 87 million non - Union working Americans? Why do we have to pay a higher tax while Obama`s supporters get a break? This is wrong. What this corrupt Senate did with Ben Nelson to buy his vote was completely wrong and immoral. Should be against the Law. Bribery is against the Law for the rest of us.

I still have not had anyone answer this simplest of questions, why do people think they have a 'right' to my property simply because they have a need? "When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that justifies it."  Frederic Bastiat. No one has a right to mine or your property simply because they have a need. This health care bill is a prime examply. How many of the 31 million Americans that Obama is going to give a handout to are illegals? How many people chose not to work or chose not to buy a health care plan? How many have big flat screen tvs, new cars and cell phones and no health care plan through their own choosing? Now I know there are cases where pre existing conditions can exempt people from buying a plan, But, to take by force from one group to give to another is wrong in my opinion. We have thousands of charitable organizations in the US, I give to charity. But, there is a very big difference in my choosing to give and my property being taken by force. Big Difference. There is things we could do to make health care in America a little better without a takeove by the government. Open up State lines and allow insurance companies compete across state lines. Tort reform would be a tremendous help.

I feel like I am living in the movie Red Dawn only it`s not the Russian who have invaded the US, it`s the an attack from within. I believe we have Communists among us who have no idea that they are really Communists. I blame public schools for this. Government indoctrination has been going on for decades and it has dumbed down America`s citizens. Obama is ignoring the Constitution. The U.S. Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government. I truely believe Obama and the Democrats (Socialists-Communists) want to destroy our Constitution and start over with a new one. One where Government controls everything like the banks, automakers and health care or any every business around. We heard some Obama supporters last year during the election screaming that "we don`t want to just put a new set of batteries in an old system, we want o whole new system". Or the lady who said on the Nightly News that she is going to support Obama because if she helps him out, Obama will help her out. She said she would not have to worry about paying her mortgage or  worry about buy gas for her car. Obama will pay her way. Disgusting.

Anyway, the football playoffs are coming on and I think I`ll watch. But I will be watching the news online and for now... football.


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