It's NOT that Barack Hussein Obama is NOT intelligent (capable of learning). It's that like virtually everyone whose ideology is something other than the ideology embraced by our framers he is an ideologue whose IDEOLOGY causes him to pan and ignore truths that conflict with his own disparate, radical ideology. Obama is a near implacable disciple of Critical Race Theory (Derrick Bell), anti-colo...nialism (Frantz Fanon), Hyper-Keynesianism (Paul Krugman), and Anti-Life FemiNazism (Valerie Jarret, Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood, Nancy Pelosi, et al).
His worldview and belief system, far from embracing our Judeo-Christian Heritage, Constitional Liberty and limited governemnt, free markets, and Independence wherein all men are created equal and endowed with certain unalienable rights to LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUITE OF HAPPINESS, Obama embraces the ideas of Liberation Theology (Rev. Jeremiah Wright, James Cone), Utopian Statism (an amalgam of Marxist Socialism and government as god), CRT (White Supremacy must be combatted by a race-based Minority Supremacy), Apology Nationalism (apologizing to our international enemies and those who hate us while panning our allies and freinds whose ideologies are MOST LIKE our framers'), Communistic Capitalism (not unlike Communist China's State run Capitalism), and Dependence-creation vis-a-vis "spreading the wealth around," to wit: wealth confiscation from those who create it followed by redistribution to those who do not and demand government entitlements in exchange for their votes, whose numbers are increasingly precipitously.
Obama either can not or more likely, REFUSES to try to understand what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Rep. Ron Paul, Budget Chairman Paul Ryan, Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, Frederic Bastiat, John Locke, Montesquieu, President Washingtion, President Reagan, the TEA Party, and Pro-Lifers have been trying to teach him.
There is NOTHING more dangerous than an unteachable, implacable, ideologically anti-American President.
Do NOT give him another four years to complete his anti-American mission!
His worldview and belief system, far from embracing our Judeo-Christian Heritage, Constitional Liberty and limited governemnt, free markets, and Independence wherein all men are created equal and endowed with certain unalienable rights to LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUITE OF HAPPINESS, Obama embraces the ideas of Liberation Theology (Rev. Jeremiah Wright, James Cone), Utopian Statism (an amalgam of Marxist Socialism and government as god), CRT (White Supremacy must be combatted by a race-based Minority Supremacy), Apology Nationalism (apologizing to our international enemies and those who hate us while panning our allies and freinds whose ideologies are MOST LIKE our framers'), Communistic Capitalism (not unlike Communist China's State run Capitalism), and Dependence-creation vis-a-vis "spreading the wealth around," to wit: wealth confiscation from those who create it followed by redistribution to those who do not and demand government entitlements in exchange for their votes, whose numbers are increasingly precipitously.
Obama either can not or more likely, REFUSES to try to understand what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Rep. Ron Paul, Budget Chairman Paul Ryan, Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, Frederic Bastiat, John Locke, Montesquieu, President Washingtion, President Reagan, the TEA Party, and Pro-Lifers have been trying to teach him.
There is NOTHING more dangerous than an unteachable, implacable, ideologically anti-American President.
Do NOT give him another four years to complete his anti-American mission!
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