Saturday, March 13, 2010

Health Care Bill

We are within one week of a vote to finally put an end to this madness that is the complete overhaul of health care in the US. Polls show the people are against this disasterous bill, yet our dictators in Congress are pushing ahead anyway. Polls also show support for the changes that need to be made to our system, but not this bill. Medicare is broke. So is Social Security, Amtrak and the US Postal Service. What makes anyone think our government can do any better with one sixth of our economy? It will be a failure. There will be health care rationing or death panals. Our government is way too big and it collects way too much money and spends way more than it takes by force from US workers. A $3.8 Trillion yearly budget with $1.6 Trillion deficit or shortfall. It is disgusting. Our governments spending will be the downfall of the US. It will bring this once great Country to its knees, yet Pelosi and Reid  just keep spending like there is no tomorrow. If this horrid bill passes I think you will see rioting in the streets. I think it just might bring about the start of a revolution not seen in this Country in a couple hundred years. We need a smaller less intrusive government that takes less from the productive. A hundred years ago the federal government did not take by force $3.8 Trillion a year. We did not have MOUNTAINS of debt. Mothers stayed home and raised our children instead of having to work just to make ends meet. Today our government has its tentacles in GM, Chrysler, the Banks, Fannie-Freddie, Education and on and on. We need change, a change away from a dictatorial Socialist government who quit listening to its citizens decades ago. We need liberty and Freedom back in America. Free market Capitalism made this Country great, not government. We are on the road to a State planned central economy even though we know that idea has failed time and time again all around our world. I am currently reading a newly published book right now called The Patriots History of America and the struggles that took place in the mid to late 1,700s to give all of us a freedom loving Country seems to be a struggle that took place in vain. We fought off an oppressive high taxing government without representation to our people. We have that today. Here. Our leaders are ignoring the people and the people should demand thay listen to us. They are ignoring our Constitution to push there Socialist agenda. "The U.S. Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government." Our government is over stepping its boundries and flipping us the bird at the same time. Jail time for US Citizens who do not buy a health care insurance policy is madness. Dirty backroom deals by our President, special deals for special interests to union members who already make thre times what the average private sector employee earns. Its disgusting. The Louisiana Purchase and the Cornhuster Kickback should be illegal. But it`s not. God help America until the time the people have a say so in our government again. We are in for very hard times caused by our own government...God Bless America.

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