Monday, November 7, 2011
Obama`s Children by Neal Boortz
By Neal Boortz
Barry’s Brats held a little “occupy” demonstration in Naples over the weekend. The drew 100 people. You can get more than 100 people at a fish fry around here … 100 people for an “occupy” demonstration is barely worth a second glance. I did enjoy some of the pictures though, and I noticed that some of the people identified in the news coverage were the same leftist loons I see regularly writing letters to the editor of the local newspaper. Those letters are better than the comics.
I mentioned the pictures, didn’t I? Nothing like the sight of a gnarled old lady holding a clenched fist aloft. Probably a flashback for her to the ‘60s. What an exciting time, right old girl? But the signs were the most entertaining.
But let’s consider your signs one-by-one.
Would you mind putting your sign down for just a moment and explain this to me? People earn profits. People spend profits. People not Profits makes about as much sense as Gerbils not Grapefruits. In fact, if you were to wander into an OccuTard protest with a “Gerbils not Grapefruits” sign you would suddenly see dozens more. Your fellow useful idiots would think that some sort of an immensely deep political thought is being expressed.
Now there is a website out there,, which has the subtitle “Beyond Capitalism.” I notice on that website the liberal (so-to-speak) use of the word “comrades.” I’ve done some studying on that word, and its first use was in Marxist circles in Europe in the late 1800s. It was also a common form of address for Communists throughout the existence of the Soviet Union. So we combine the “beyond capitalism” line with the use of traditional communist rhetoric and what do we have? Communists? Well, in some cases that is most certainly true. (See “useful idiots” below). Most of Obama’s Children though are not communists. They’re just anxious ignoranuses carrying signs with slogans they couldn’t write a three sentence essay defining. They sense that something is wrong – and something most certainly is. But they either haven’t made the effort to see just what it is that has gone awry and how to fix it, or they simply don’t have the mental capacity to understand it.
So … what are you saying? Are you saying that a businessman should take his capital – his money – and start a business with no intention of ever making money off that business? You’re worried about jobs, right? And you do know that about 70% or more of all new jobs come from small businesses, right? So you think that some individual should take whatever wealth they have, and borrow more money on top of it, to put into a new small business or to expand an existing one? And for what purpose? People? Sure … this guy is going to put his wealth at risk for “people.” God forbid the individual might want to actually earn any money in the process, for if he did … if he were to have money left over after hiring and paying 100 people and selling the products they produced … that money would be (gasp!) PROFIT! Now you have some fool carrying a sign somewhere that is mightily pissed off at you! Your very participation in these “occupy” protests is indication enough that you haven’t put a great deal of thought into your protests … but do you really want to remove the profit motive from entrepreneurship? If a corporation decided that it no longer wanted to earn a profit … how long do ou think it would take for the shareholders to bail? How many people lose their jobs when that happens?
There you are … marching down the street chanting “This is what democracy looks like.” The trouble is you don’t realize just how right you are; and that would be because you’re basically ignorant as all purified hell about just what democracy really is. You didn’t know that our founding fathers abhorred the idea of a democracy, did you? And there’s not one of you who could correctly guess the number of times the word “democracy” appears in our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, or the constitutions of all 50 states. The answer? Zero. Not once. And not one of you would know – it would take actually studying our history – that the word “democrat” used to be an epithet. If you were to read “Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation” by Joseph Ellis, you would learn that “democrat” referred to “one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the masses.” As it was then, so it is now.
But back to your protests and your “This is what Democracy looks like” signs. Democracy is best defined as mob rule – majority rule. Define it as you might, but it will always be three wolves and one sheep deciding on what’s for dinner. Have you ever heard of the “Rule of Law?” That’s what our founding fathers gave us. That was supposed to be our operating system, so to speak. Sure .. we chose representatives to represent us in local and federal governments using democratic processes, but they, as we, are then required to abide by the laws of the land .. and that includes the Constitution. But this rule-of-law thing doesn’t really appeal all that much to Barry’s Brats, does it?
Really … just what in the hell does THAT mean? The 99% of what? Oh .. I know where you got that 99% bit. You’ve been listening to your figurative father, Barack Obama, haven’t you?
You Occutards do realize, don’t you, that more and more you’re being referred to as “useful idiots.” The phrase is even featured in a website you probably visit often, Here – I’ll give you the definition from Urban Dictionary so you won’t have to look it up. After all … someone else might be using the community computer to search for treatments for head or body lice and for STDs.
Useful idiot? Useful to who? Well, labor unions for one. The Democrat Party and Barack Obama for another. As you first gathered in Zuccotti Park it was clear you didn’t really know what you were protesting and what solutions you might propose. You issued a list of demands including the forgiveness of all debt everywhere in the world. That was enough to label you as idiots. All that was left to be done was to figure out how to put you to use. Experienced leftists went to work immediately. The labor unions started sending people to your encampments with aid and suggestions as to what you might want to protest. They arrived along with the Communist Party USA, The American Nazi Party, the Socialist Party USA, the Marxist Student Union and others. They knew that you were uninformed but motivated … and ripe for manipulation. You certainly haven’t disappointed them. Now your encampments and demonstrations are filled with signs promoting the various causes of those who have put you to use. Congratulations.
Let’s finish off here with a list of some of the known supporters of the so-called occupy movement. We covered some above .. but here’s a more comprehensive listing:
I mentioned the pictures, didn’t I? Nothing like the sight of a gnarled old lady holding a clenched fist aloft. Probably a flashback for her to the ‘60s. What an exciting time, right old girl? But the signs were the most entertaining.
- People not Profits
- This is what democracy looks like
- We are the 99%
But let’s consider your signs one-by-one.
Would you mind putting your sign down for just a moment and explain this to me? People earn profits. People spend profits. People not Profits makes about as much sense as Gerbils not Grapefruits. In fact, if you were to wander into an OccuTard protest with a “Gerbils not Grapefruits” sign you would suddenly see dozens more. Your fellow useful idiots would think that some sort of an immensely deep political thought is being expressed.
Now there is a website out there,, which has the subtitle “Beyond Capitalism.” I notice on that website the liberal (so-to-speak) use of the word “comrades.” I’ve done some studying on that word, and its first use was in Marxist circles in Europe in the late 1800s. It was also a common form of address for Communists throughout the existence of the Soviet Union. So we combine the “beyond capitalism” line with the use of traditional communist rhetoric and what do we have? Communists? Well, in some cases that is most certainly true. (See “useful idiots” below). Most of Obama’s Children though are not communists. They’re just anxious ignoranuses carrying signs with slogans they couldn’t write a three sentence essay defining. They sense that something is wrong – and something most certainly is. But they either haven’t made the effort to see just what it is that has gone awry and how to fix it, or they simply don’t have the mental capacity to understand it.
So … what are you saying? Are you saying that a businessman should take his capital – his money – and start a business with no intention of ever making money off that business? You’re worried about jobs, right? And you do know that about 70% or more of all new jobs come from small businesses, right? So you think that some individual should take whatever wealth they have, and borrow more money on top of it, to put into a new small business or to expand an existing one? And for what purpose? People? Sure … this guy is going to put his wealth at risk for “people.” God forbid the individual might want to actually earn any money in the process, for if he did … if he were to have money left over after hiring and paying 100 people and selling the products they produced … that money would be (gasp!) PROFIT! Now you have some fool carrying a sign somewhere that is mightily pissed off at you! Your very participation in these “occupy” protests is indication enough that you haven’t put a great deal of thought into your protests … but do you really want to remove the profit motive from entrepreneurship? If a corporation decided that it no longer wanted to earn a profit … how long do ou think it would take for the shareholders to bail? How many people lose their jobs when that happens?
There you are … marching down the street chanting “This is what democracy looks like.” The trouble is you don’t realize just how right you are; and that would be because you’re basically ignorant as all purified hell about just what democracy really is. You didn’t know that our founding fathers abhorred the idea of a democracy, did you? And there’s not one of you who could correctly guess the number of times the word “democracy” appears in our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, or the constitutions of all 50 states. The answer? Zero. Not once. And not one of you would know – it would take actually studying our history – that the word “democrat” used to be an epithet. If you were to read “Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation” by Joseph Ellis, you would learn that “democrat” referred to “one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the masses.” As it was then, so it is now.
But back to your protests and your “This is what Democracy looks like” signs. Democracy is best defined as mob rule – majority rule. Define it as you might, but it will always be three wolves and one sheep deciding on what’s for dinner. Have you ever heard of the “Rule of Law?” That’s what our founding fathers gave us. That was supposed to be our operating system, so to speak. Sure .. we chose representatives to represent us in local and federal governments using democratic processes, but they, as we, are then required to abide by the laws of the land .. and that includes the Constitution. But this rule-of-law thing doesn’t really appeal all that much to Barry’s Brats, does it?
- The law says you can’t camp out overnight in the parks, you ignore it. Mob rule over the rule of law. Democracy.
- The law says you need a permit for demonstrations and marches on public streets? You ignore those laws. They just don’t suit your purpose. Mob rule over the rule of law. Democracy.
- The law defines and protects property rights. But you and your fellow occupiers want to destroy some private property – trash some ATMs – bust out some bank windows – trespass into private businesses. You have the numbers, so to hell with the law. Mob rule over the rule of law. Democracy.
- Hundreds of workers at the Port of Oakland lost a day’s pay so that you could throw your little anti-capitalist temper tantrum and shut down the port. You broke the law in doing so, but what the hell. Mob rule over the rule of law. Democracy.
- People have the right to the wealth earned through their labors and through the sacrifice of portions of their lives. You want that wealth seized and given to people who neither worked for it nor earned it. There are more of you than there are of them. So hand it over. Mob rule over the rule of law. Democracy.
- Dozens of people who work in the area of Zuccotti Park in New York City, the gathering place for Obama’s Children, are now out of work. Your protests have so disrupted those businesses that some have closed and others have cut back on hours and workers. Doesn’t matter. You are the 99%, right? Those business owners are the evil 1%. Mob rule over the rule of law. Democracy.
Really … just what in the hell does THAT mean? The 99% of what? Oh .. I know where you got that 99% bit. You’ve been listening to your figurative father, Barack Obama, haven’t you?
You Occutards do realize, don’t you, that more and more you’re being referred to as “useful idiots.” The phrase is even featured in a website you probably visit often, Here – I’ll give you the definition from Urban Dictionary so you won’t have to look it up. After all … someone else might be using the community computer to search for treatments for head or body lice and for STDs.
Today, it refers to brainwashed liberals and leftists the world over (usually college students that aren't necessarily idiots, but just misinformed, naive, and ignorant of facts due to being indoctrinated with liberal/socialist propaganda through their public education) who believe that George W. Bush has committed more crimes against humanity than leftist darlings like Saddam Hussain, Yasser Arafat, and Osama Bin Laden, and still defend Communism, the cause of over 100 million deaths to this day.The phrase actually originated in the days of Lenin and the Communist revolution. It was used to identify people who blindly supported the Communists even as people like Lenin and Stalin murdered hundreds of millions of people.
Useful idiot? Useful to who? Well, labor unions for one. The Democrat Party and Barack Obama for another. As you first gathered in Zuccotti Park it was clear you didn’t really know what you were protesting and what solutions you might propose. You issued a list of demands including the forgiveness of all debt everywhere in the world. That was enough to label you as idiots. All that was left to be done was to figure out how to put you to use. Experienced leftists went to work immediately. The labor unions started sending people to your encampments with aid and suggestions as to what you might want to protest. They arrived along with the Communist Party USA, The American Nazi Party, the Socialist Party USA, the Marxist Student Union and others. They knew that you were uninformed but motivated … and ripe for manipulation. You certainly haven’t disappointed them. Now your encampments and demonstrations are filled with signs promoting the various causes of those who have put you to use. Congratulations.
Let’s finish off here with a list of some of the known supporters of the so-called occupy movement. We covered some above .. but here’s a more comprehensive listing:
Communist Party USA. The American Nazi Party. Ayatollah Khamenei, the supreme leader of Iran. The North Korean government. Louie-the-Lip Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. The Revolutionary Communist Party. David Duke. Hugo Chavez. Barack Obama. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard. The Black Panthers. Socialist Party USA. CAIR. Nancy Pelosi. The Communist Party of China. Hezbollah. Marxist Student Union. Freedom Road Socialist Organization.Wow. That list of supporters must make you very proud.
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